Tuesday, November 9, 2010

slightly irrelevent to my study abroad experience but i'd like to talk about it anyways.

so I completed my first 10k and while to some, 6.2 miles seems like nothing, I remember when 2 used to be a struggle for me.. and considering I don't run long distances very often, rather short runs for boosts of energy and enlightenment, running that race felt like a great accomplishment. and after 4 miles of just going going going... i feel like I want to challenge myself more to become a better runner, a better athlete, a better body, better health, better condition all around.

so i've come up with a new dream, because i'm always dreaming of new things to do or try. how cool would it be and how great would it feel to be able to say i ran a full marathon in my early 20s? So this is my new dream. I've come to the conclusion I will need to take baby steps, as I am not a natural born runner. And I will need a lot of encouragement if I'm going to go through with this..

and here is where I will find my inspiration. I'd like to register for a full marathon in fall 2011.. PLENTY OF TRAINING TIME, NO?? I want to connect with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Pittsburgh about how to raise $$ and awareness about the illness and their foundation. I want to run this race in honor of Brennan, my older brother who passed away when I was 8 with Cystic Fibrosis. My thoughts right now are to find friends, family & organizations that would be willing to pledge a certain amount of support$$ to the CFF for every mile I run in training and on the big day. This could be something to keep me going, and strangely make me feel closer to my brother.

I am healthy and young.. what better time to attempt this?

if ANYONE has any experience in marathon training or raising $$ or awareness, please feel free to offer advice..

so i guess this is relevant to study abroad because my short runs and 10k have seeded this inspiration..

I don't know if I will actually commit, I want to think longer about this before I do.. but it is a thought.

Back to study abroad, it's been SUNNY AND BEAUTIFUL in Perú. And I've been sick with flu-ish symptoms the past 2 days. Rare for me to feel under the weather, but tomorrow is a new day and I've been resting a lot!

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