Sunday, November 14, 2010

An afro-peruvian weekend

Definitely one of my favorite weekends of the semester!!!!

Friday night was great because I went to a volleyball game between two Peru teams!! So much fun to be around volleyball again. Then I went to eat at a GREAT mediterranean food place, YUM, my favorite.. and it was not a let down.

Saturday my IFSA group went to Chincha.. a town about 3 hours from Lima known for it's afro-peruvian culture. Saturday morning we spent around the pool getting nice and toasted (literally). Then we had 3 workshops, two on afro-peruvian dancing and one on playing the cajón, a box drum instrument. It was awesome!

Saturday night we were told by one of our instructors that day about a dance celebration at someone's home in town. So we went and it was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed. Parents promise their children will dance when they are born and once they do the children are obligated to practice this kind of afro/irish-step/folk dancing until they are 18, when they get to choose if they want to continue with it or not. the dancing we saw was beautiful because there was one man playing the fiddle and the rest were keeping the beat with their feet and dancing with bells and ribbons.. the men were allll ages, probably from 4 years old to 60 years old.. it was reallyy AWESOME to witness. one of my awe moments in Perú.. I loveddd our one dance teacher, I got to meet great new people, and I went for a run as the sun was setting in the countryside.. perfect.

Today we layed around all day again and ate a LOTTTT.. we tried typical foods of Chincha and my favorite was a spicy/peanuty/potatoe criollo soup thing called carapuca.. so delicious. and I ate a lottttt, too many, tejas (like turtle candies) and sublime chocolate bars.... BLAH.

p.s. I'll be back in the states one month from today!

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