Monday, November 29, 2010

finals & presentations galore.

Okay, so yesterday wasn't the greatest day. But I'm pretty excited about things going on this week. Today I have a lott of studying to do, and tomorrow because my International Relations final is tomorrow and I need to do really well. Tonight I'm giving a presentation about the research I did on fair trade coffee in Perú and I'm really liking how it's coming together, I'm proud of my work and so I'm excited.

Wednesday I'll finally be able to pick up the pumpkin puree my mom sent down here for me and this Sunday I am planning on preparing a big lunch for my family!! I'm excited to do something to feel like I'm giving back to them for all they've done for me in being a GREAT family and a great place to spend my semester.

Wish me luck on finals!! I'll need it, since I mostly lack motivation.

For all of you Spanish speakers.. here is a news clip about the cooperative/farmer I focused on for my paper...

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