Tuesday, November 30, 2010

El Perú es lo máximo pues...

I'm definitely in a more reflective stage of my study abroad experience with only a little bit of time left here... and I'm starting to realize, understand and appreciate a lot more choosing Perú... despite hard feelings I've felt along the way, there have been many positives. If I wouldn't have chosen such an underdeveloped country in such contrast to my own I never would have been as aware as I am of other global realities. Living and adapting to a new country has been an interesting challenge, and I can take what I've learned and how I've grown here to adapt it to my future goals in my own country and it's international relations (something I plan & strive to work with in my future)... This experience has taught me more not only about the political situation in Perú, but also more about the political situation in my own country. In any situation, big or small, it's easier to understand when you step outside and see things from a new perspective as I have with the United States. Even if I may have said I would have chosen a different country a few times before, I wouldn't take back my peruvian semester! Everything is soaking in still and I cannot wait to continue to understand and discover new things as a result of what I've learned, seen and experienced in Perú.

Living here and from the better understanding of the world that I've gained, I've only become more and more inspired in how I want to progress my future, my studies, my actions, my interests and my goals. I look forward to spending a lot more time studying at Temple when I return because I understand how blessed I am to be in such a great position in the world to have that kind of education. I need to apply what I've learned here and work hard to understand better where I want to go, but I am definitely more confident in that I am on the right path and going to make great strides along the way. I look forward to spending more time learning about and working with Latin America and I couldn't be more thankful for the support from everyone at school and home in choosing to take this semester in Perú to give me such a boost of confidence and awareness.

Now, back to studying for finals. I NEED to do well today!

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