Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 weeks and counting

first full day back from a mini vacation and i'd like to get on the next flight back to Máncora.. horrible day. it's official, someone robbed my camera (which also had money in the case.. cool). So now I either go camera-less for the rest of my time in South America or invest in a new one. :(

Then I go to class... to find out my group FAILED our group paper. I did a lot of work for it (researching and organizing information) but didn't write because I wasn't the native speaker... So I almost feel like the grade is out of my control. I NEED TO PASS THE FINAL, the hardest exam of the class, with like almost a perfect grade to PASS THE CLASS. this sucks. i'm used to being an honors student with all good grades and working my butt off.. and I worked my butt off to study for the tests in this class and failed 2 out of 3. I feel 100% discouraged and stupid and it sucks.

my program classes are stupid and i'm not thrilled with any of my classes/university aspect of studying abroad. I have a lot of work left to do, and I'll chug through it, unenthusiastically. The only thing that interests me is really my independent research paper on fair trade for one of my classes. The rest of it... blah.

I've learned wayyyy more outside of campus than I have in class.

I'm trying hard not to blame a bad day on Perú, but it's hard. After a rough day I have to take the damn combi home with limited personal space, no personal space and a woman coughing on me the whole ride and annoying cumbia music. I kinda wanted to cry.

It's bad days when I realize what I should appreciate more about my country. enough complaining, I need to start thinking positively!

I only have 3 weeks left to make the most of this experience. I'm going to enjoy my host family and the rest of the things I want to do and running along the beach as much as I can (despite school) in that time.

That being said, I cannot waittttt to come home to my family and house and food and dog.

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