Monday, November 8, 2010

Loving South America

I don't remember what my last post said but my weekend was GREAT! Friday night Molly & I went out with Luis and Oscar, two peruvian friends, to a really cool bar where they had all of the tragos (drinks) from the rainforest.. So they were really fruity and delicious- I had a lotttt of fun.

Saturday.. RACE DAY! Finally, I ran the We Run Lima 10k. It was my first 10k. Since I've been here, I've become a running adict... probably because I have gorgeous paths to run on and a lot more free time to work out than I do at home. Anyways I ran the 6.2 miles with ease and by the end of it I felt like I could have gone at least 2 more.. this makes me happy because I feel like I am becoming a better runner... I think my next goal will be the Pittsburgh half marathon (13.1 miles) or the Broad Street Run (10 miles). Anyways I ran the entire race with Kamila, my host-sister's best friend. I was so happpyyyy to have a running buddy to encourage eachother. It was a lot of fun! I also met a lot of new people and runners that night! It was soooo awesome to run in a crowd of 10,000 runners and listen to all the footsteps beating the pavement.. it was a weird kind of silence, and then they'd have afro-peruvian bands and brazilian music set up at everyother kilometer. so much fun!

Here I am with the other American girls I went with, including Anna the 2nd one, who is one of my best friends here...

Here I am with my host mom & sister and Kamila my running buddy.. I was so happy that my family came to watch and cheer us on!!

Julia finally put pictures up from our weekend trip to Lunahuaná.. Here we are white-water rafting!!!! Lovinnggg it.

Anddddd one more picture, because a few of my friends travelled to Puno this past weekend (which is were Wilson, the coffee farmer I am studying, lives... they found a news article about him), Here he is:

Sunday I went running in the morning because I had so much energy from the night before!! The rest of the day I got some work done and last night I went to see another movie in the European film festival with Luis.. This time it was a German movie.

This week is pretty full of getting work done!! Today I have to give a 30min presentation about chinese immigration to Perú.. (BOO). Kinda nervous. I have a lot of papers and assignments building up this week that I'd like to get through before I go to Chincha this weekend!!!

Hugs to everyone at home, I'll be home in a little over a month!

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