Thursday, August 5, 2010

ya me encanta el Peru

after 3 nights i can already see a difference in how much i am able to understand. it's still not 80% but i usually get the jist of everything. even if it's overwhelming to think you understand a language semi-fluently and then realize how much you don't know, i am confident that with patience and practice i will improve a lot! today we had our first class with the spanish professor.. it was really LONGGGGGG, but we learned a lot! and i think our professor is reallyyyyy awesome and nice. she speaks SOOOOOO fast but very clear, faster than most peruvians.

at orientation this morning we had a lesson about how to have self-defense as a gringa... we learned the necessary sayings such as, pardon my french, "go fuck yourself," "don't touch me, you ****"... and things along these lines.. it was really funny because our patas told us, "repeat after me... (in spanish) *insert vulgarity*". probably the most fun ive had with a spanish lesson. but these are vital sayings in case i ever encounter un brinchero (a latino who likes gringas and wants to take advantage of one in order to get to the US) or someone who thinks i look like a perfect victim to rob.

tonight after the lonnngggg day, jessa (from colorado, in my program) and i took our first taxi to plaza san miguel to meet greg for dinner! it was sooo random and awesome to see him! we always have a good laugh, so it was refreshing and a confidence booster to see one of my best friends here in peru even if just for a meal. it was also great figuring out the transportation system with another gringa, we had a lot of fun figuring it out.. even if it took awhile. and WE SURVIVED! i was able to tell a cab driver how to get me home!!! success enough for me :)

oh, and i should mention.. the first cab driver we had talked to us alllll about the food here and explained how guinea pig meat is such a delicacy and so delicious.. i'm definitely going to try it. mmmmmm :) guinea pig.

i can't tell everyone how lucky i feel to have such a great host family!

i am really happy here so far....

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are having fun!! I know it is going to be hard to keep up the daily blogs, but at least do weekly! I <3 <3 <3 reading about it! I will try to update mine more so that you can keep up with us...only so much fits on FB! ;-)
