Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Limeño hospitality

I went for another run today and got lost on my way home... which made me figure out my way around. So in the end, it wasn't horrible.

I finally bought my round trip bus tickets to Huaraz!!! SOOOOO excited to get out of the city and into the mountains I can't even explain! I feel like I haven't breathed in fresh air for 3-something weeks because this city is so gross (not entirely), but the air quality is horrible.. it's cold, wet, polluted air. Anyways, we're taking an overnight bus on Thursday night so we'll have 3.5 full days of beautiful Andean high altitude mountains! Mountains are like my favorite thing in the world, so I just can't wait..

My International Relations class, in the parts I understand, is really interesting. The professor is really awesome and I try to understand as much as I can.. We have a lonnggg reading to do for this class which is going to take me a decade with a dictionary in hand. I have 2 weeks at this point to finish because we have a test on it coming up.

After class, a peruvian girl that sits next to me in that class invited me and Anna, a new friend from Iowa, over to her house for dinner. We went and it was really fun to go to another Peruvian's house for dinner.. We ate with her, her sister and her mom. I was so impressed at how hospitable they were! Then, on the dreaded combi ride home back to Miraflores some young man offered me his seat because I'm a girl and I was standing.. I thought that was also pretty impressive!

Combi rides are draining... I used to complain about driving in Pittsburgh traffic or taking Philadelphia transportation but now I have a whole new outlook and appreciation. Theyre not completely horrible though because if you miss one, there's always another one right behind it.

I'm always exhausted here... semester is in swing and it's not going to slow down until I come home for Christmas break.. So I'm going to soak up the mountain life this weekend as much as possible.

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