Sunday, August 1, 2010

pre-departure thoughts

So this is my last night at home until mid-December.. I'm keeping this blog as a way to keep everyone up to date! A lot of times when you tell travel/living abroad stories, there's a lot to tell and it's easy to miss the details when you tell the same stories to everyone.

I'm finally packed and as ready as I am going to be! I have a medium suitcase, my backpacking pack and one medium carry-on.. I'm aloud 70 pounds and my suitcase is only like 45.. I think that's pretty darn good for packing to leave the country for 5 months! (or it may not be so good...)

I don't know a lot about what I am getting myself into.. so half the fun/nervousness is not knowing what to expect! I am definitely thrilled to be on the other side of being a host sister by being the one going abroad. It'll be an interesting comparison, seeing both sides of the story!

I am confident that this experience will bring many incredible memories and discoveries. I'll probably learn more about how much it will actually impact me once I am back home months later after I finish the program abroad.

Here's what I do know.. I'll be living with a host family in Miraflores (Google it, it's beautiful!) Including a mom, sister, brother (until he goes to college in Argentina for the semester), a grandmother (described to me by my host-mom as independent and fun), and a house helper (from what I understand). I look forward to getting to know them! I'll be going to school in Lima at La Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.. taking Lima's public transportation (the crazy combi) everyday... from what I understand it's a van/bus that you just kind of hop in and out of.. as a Gringa, I need to be careful about the cost of everything so I don't get taken advantage of (stuff like taxi fares/busses).

I'm most nervous about my Spanish and the period of culture shock/frustration, I know it's going to happen.. it's natural.

I'm most excited for...... everything!

This last week before I leave has been AMAZING! I drove out to Lancaster to visit roomies-to-be, visited Aunt Janice's house, got to see Chris, Nikkita & Sana (shout outtttt), make smores with Kelly&Andy, beach with Alene, Kayaking and spending time with Nadine (sooo much fun!), go out to dinner like a zillion times with Josh, see Megan from Panera, karaoke with Miranda & Natalie, and visit with my family :) It's been an AWESOME end to my summer, I'm going to miss all of you!

Anyways... this is it.

Peru, here I come!

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