Saturday, August 21, 2010


Life is GREAT in Peru... :)

This weekend has been fun so far.. Yesterday I finally went for a decent run through my neighborhood here. It was the perfect running weather and I got to figure out my way around my neighborhood better. Last night I went to Barranco with some people from IFSA and 2 girls from Lima. We went to a place called Sargento Pimienta.. like Sargeant Pepper.. a bar/concert venue decked out in Beatles photos. We thought there'd be a live band, but the website hasn't been updated and there is live music on Thursdays, so we'll be returning. Regardless, it was a fun night! I lucked out with a really fun group of people that came though IFSA.

This morning I slept in, which was fabulous. My hostmom took me to buy a new laptop (which I am using) and I love it... and I am very thankful to finally have a functioning computer while abroad.

Tonight a few of us met up at La Maquina, which I think is going to be my new study spot cafe... I love it there. And it's funny because I met the owner in the airport in New Jersey waiting to fly to Peru. Its a trendy cafe with an awesome menu and really good music.. Anyways we met up to plan our weekend trip to Huaraz! Which I'll get back to.. before going to a bar for a beer and then to Parque Kennedy for some reallyyyy great vendor sandwiches, and cheap too! In the park there is this circle where there are always little events going on for the public. sometimes there are magicians or comedians or stuff like that I have seen.. but tonight they just had music and speakers set up and everyone gathered around to watch dozens of older couples dancing in the middle.. it was sooooo cute! Peruvians know how to dance!!

So Huaraz.. Reservations are booked (still working on the bus res.) to get out of Lima for three nights!!! We are staying in ¨cave bungalows¨ which is like a hostel with bunk beds in a stone cave in the Andes!! The inn sits 3700 meters above sea level in Cordillera Blaca (The white mountain ranges) and is owned by travel enthusiasts who seem to have a lot to offer! (check it out: We're planing on doing some day treks and walking through the mountains.. Due to the high altitude we'll be chewing on cocoa leaves to help our bodies adjust.. We are leaving thursday evening on an over night bus.. it's an 8 hour drive or a 1.5 hour flight. We will stay until Monday when we'll be bussing home during the day.. through beautiful Andean landscapes.. I'm so ready to see some Nature!!!

There's so much to laugh at about this city and so much to love. After reading a lot for homework for Peruvian Social Reality, one of my program courses, I'm realizing that I appreciate Lima more that I'm starting to learn about it's history and the history of it's people and neighborhoods.. to appreciate a city today you have to know about it's past and how it came to be what it is today.. I'm looking forward to learning more from the class, the homework is the only killer (it takes foreverrr- hopefully I become a better reader).

Monday is class registration..... yikkkkessss. I forgot that studying abroad meant actually studying. But it'll be fun to do in Spanish! anddd I'm going to learn A LOT.

I am so happyyyyy :) but a little jealous of everyone moving back to Temple now.. I miss everyone!!

Anytime someone wants to skype, let me know.

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