Sunday, August 8, 2010


Yesterday we went to Colonial Lima to Plaza de Armas and the monastery of San Francisco and the Museum of the Spanish Inquisition. We went on tours guided in Spanish and while I understood a lot of it, I wasn't able to understand and appreciate the history of everything I was learning completely. Still, everything was very beautiful and interesting. My favorite were the catacombs with piles of bones and skulls underground and seeing the torture methods the Catholic church used during the inquisition.. extremely disturbing. Plaza de Armas is beautifulllllll :) so beautiful and colorful with a lot of people, birds, fountains, color, palm trees, lights and flowers. It was really nice.

After a long day of walking and touring and trying to understand most of our group went to get drinks near the Plaza de Armas. It was the first time we all thought we actually heard each other's voices (because we spoke mostly in English for the first time to get to know each other better). This was definitely a lot of fun, and a good break.

We came home on the combis (ohhhh, the public transportation system here is WONDERFUL.. sarcasm). That's probably my least favorite thing about Lima because with a metro system it would literally take 10 minutes to get home, but on a Combi it's like an hour.. So pretty much I'll be spending about 2 hours a day during the week on the combis travelling back and forth to La Catolica (school). But, I'll learn to love it.

Last night I just relaxed with my family, talked to my brother for a little bit and watched the equivalent of the grand finale of dancing with the stars with my host mom and grandma. it's funny how you can travel so far away and it's still so similar at home.

Today I'm going to buy a few more clothes because it's winter here and it's freezing!! well, not like it would be in the USA, but i'm not well-equipped for this weather and electric is so expensive here that there is not heat in the homes.

Travelling makes me realize how priveledged we are in the States.

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