Wednesday, December 1, 2010

mi casa es tu casa ♥

I feel soooo at home here with my host-family lately. As I'm excited for Christmastime with my family at home, when I think about saying goodbye to my host-family, it makes me sad :( Not only are Christmas decorations, the tree and the rainforest indigenous nativity scene on display (mom, you would love it), but I feel so comfortable and at home here. Today was my host-grandma's birthday and I spent the day relaxing with her, her son and his wife who joined us for lunch! Zaira made a delicious lunch and my granma's fried had a HUGE CAKE delivered to our house for her birthday... coconut & manjar blaco!! SOOOO GOOD, something else to bring back to the states... Manjar Blanco. to. die. for. We talk for some hours, ate cake and coffee and it was really fun! I'd never met my would-be host uncle's (??) wife before, but she is sooo sweet. She was telling me how she did an AFS program in Iowa when she was younger, which is what my family & I do at home, so it was cool to talk about the experience and the great experience of living abroad with a host family. My host-uncle (?? not really sure what he is lol) talked to me for awhile about marraige which was funny.. like a typical older man he told me a lottt of stories and gave me a lot of advice, the staple being that communication is key in relationships and to always have values and its best to raise your children than to send them off to a nanny all the time. It was quite funny how much it reminded me of spending a Sunday afternoon with my family, parents and grandparents, enjoying a big meal and lots of conversation.

I read a cool story about studying abroad today that our director emailed to all of us.. in the end it was about how they were able to make a life for themself anywhere they went after their experience living in London. and it's true... I've made a life here, even if only temporary, and that's a reallyyyy cool accomplishment/realization.

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