Friday, December 3, 2010

:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

not ready to come home.

okay i know, you're thinking my emotions/feelings about coming home to USA are all over the place. and THEY ARE!!! i'm jealous of AFS students who get to live abroad for a YEAR... because right now i'm starting to feel that this has been too short.

we had a re-entry talk about reverse culture shock from Perú to USA. Now that i'm thinking about it.. I think it may be harder to readjust to the states. this makes me nervous, I hope everything transitions smoothly. Major problems that previous study abroaders have identified that we talked about are boredom in not having adventure in daily life everyday (yes, EVERY day is an adventure, it's true) and that it's lonely because no one truly understands or wants to listen to what you want to tell them.

then we had a going away get together among students and families (and our salsa teacher!).. my host mom & sister and her friend, kamila, came. it was a nice night :) but it also made me realize how much i love them and am going to miss them because i don't know when i'll visit them again, this makes me soooo sad. after the get-together the 4 of us gals went out for ice cream and then i came home and just relaxed and talked to my mom and sister instead of going out... it was a great evening with them, i'm glad we got to spend it together!

i envision myself missing perú a lot next semester...

at least i know i'm coming home to a supportive family and big hugs at the airport to keep me happy in returning.

ah, emotions all over the place. damn study abroad.

1 comment:

  1. Never think that no one wants to listen! I always love hearing about your adventures...especially because mine involve cartoons, candy, and diapers...when you get back we should set up a semi-regular Skype date...and if nothing else we are skyping on Christmas!!! <3 <3
