Thursday, December 9, 2010

I've noticed that on my new digital camera about 70% of my photos are of all of the flowers I love in Miraflores (my town). I'll miss them on a blizzardy, icy, grey-ugly-now january day. I just know it...

Everything's been pretty good for my last week! Nothing special, just overall content. I've officially completed a 15 page research paper in Spanish, recieved a 17 on my International Relations final (best grade I've gotten in that class everrr on the hardest exam) AND turned in my preproposal thesis statement/research plan to temple for Junior Research Scholars.. I feel confident with my thesis topic and look forward to getting back to classes at Temple & working with a professor in this research that I only hear great things about! Anyways, ACCOMPLISHING week. Those are always confidence-boosters.

I am officiallyyyyyy on vaca :)

Yesterday and today I had two GREAT long coast runs.. the weather was PERFECT! not too hot and a good breeze to keep me energized. after running a few miles I stopped to sit along the cliffs in my town that look out into the ocean and just relax and enjoy some zen moments :) I realize that even though Lima is a chaotic city, it's definitely gone one thing on Philly.. the ocean. Even when I am stressed or anxious here or just caught up in frustration or whatever I can find a nice park to enjoy the ocean in and forget about whatever it is! I loveee living on the coast.

Today I also spent some time just lounging in the park and reading and enjoying the little bit of sun there was today because I know I need to soak it in while I can.

Tonight I went to go see a friend's dance recital but overall the event was planned horribly and they wouldn't let us enter.. about 100 people. they completely underestimated attendence. I was beyonddddd disappointed. So we went out to dinner instead.

Tonight I spent some time hanging out with my mom.. it was really cool because we talked a lot about religion because in PerĂº they're trying to pass a law to make all religious bodies have equal rights (right now the Catholic Church has a lot of power here, too much if you ask me..) anyways the conversation was cool because we have similar beliefs about the catholic church and about our own beliefs and it was cool to realize that she understands my beliefs because not many people do and her thoughts and conversation was really comforting to me. and i pretty much thought the majority of peruvians were catholic... i wondered if people had seperate beliefs about the status of religion in general in the country. I'm going to miss my host family soooooo much! It was also funny today because Zaira, Oriana my grandma and me were having photo shoots in front of christmas decorations in our house! It was just fun.. they're all so amazingggg!!!!

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