Monday, December 13, 2010

last post from Perú

I'm leaving to come home today.. and this isn't going to be a very long, in-depth post, but I want to blog after I am home for however long too and talk about what that's like.

spent my last weekend partying with good friends on friday night, running along the shore, going for walks, eating at my favorite sandwich place (going there again today, too), hanging out with my family, having a goodbye breakfast with the IFSA group, going to La Punta, a beautifuuullllllll district outside of Lima near the big port, baking pumpkin flavored things for my host family, shopping for last minute Perú stuff, packing & enjoying everything!

I'm ready to come home, especially because I know I have such a great family & holiday to look forward too, but sometimes I wish I could come back to South America next semester!!! I see myself spending a lot more time in Latin America in the future.. I hope so..

This has been a WONDERFULLLLLLLLLLL semester, mostly because of how much I feel like I've grown and learned. I wouldn't take back choosing Lima over Europe, because I learned things here that cannot be found or understood in a country like Spain, and for that I feel reallyyyy blessed.

There were a lotttttt of frustrations and still many things that I wonder if I'll miss about life in Lima, but I survived & conquered :) and even though it doesn't feel like a big deal to me now, I feel like when I'm back in the States for a few months I'll realize how great of an impact that has.

all is well, here I come snowy PA.

p.s. everyone should wish me luck on my flight because I had a dream about me being the only survivor in a plane crash the other day.

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