Tuesday, September 28, 2010

last night in Peruvian Social Reality we watched the documentary "State of Fear".. i loved it because I learned sooooo much from it that I missed in all the readings. I vaguely remember hearing about it when it came out in the US, but not really. Anyways it helps me understand a lot about why Lima is the way it is today, and it makes it easier to appreciate this city that I kind of despise more than enjoy lately.

I feel overwhelmed right now, especially after the Cuzco trip. In part, becuase I didn't sleep very much during it, in part because it was filled with frustrations and in part because I have sooo much homework and essays and tests this week. I was productive today and I have my 2nd interview for the fair trade project tonight and fingers crossed I'm going to see a movie tonight to just unwinnddddd.

I am not homesick where I wanna come home, I'm just homesick where a day of comfort things from home would motivate me to keep going with a better attitude. The weather here has been grey again since I got back from Cuzco and I'm reallyyyyy sick of peruvian food. I've eaten enough rice, potatoes, creepy chicken, lentils and chicha to last me a lifetime. I seriously don't think I'll want rice or potatoes for a year after I get home.

What I miss right now is...

Cozy couch and TV and my bedroom, fall weather, pumpkin flavors, movie theaters, FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, and like everything.

Today's a low day in the "study abroad" U-curve.

I definitely lucked out with an awesome host family that makes everything MUCH MUCH better when I feel like this, though. They rock :)

On a positive note... my spanish is improving a lot. I had to write 2 more spanish essays today and my structure is definitely improving. I also felt like last night i could describe my cuzco trip without any difficulty to my mom.. it felt great.

also, i miss Temple and my friends.

anywaysss next week is the halfway point for being here (so I guess in a U-shape this is perfect timing for homesickness). I'll be fine, just letting it go.

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